OUTdance are looking to revive the Sunday afternoon T- DANCE.

This social event provides an opportunity for our community to gather, especially our LGBTI elders and their ally’s. 

This is a free event.

We encourage you to come along, catch up with friends, make new friends, listen to the music and enjoy a wonderful Afternoon Tea.

There will be dancing; get up and boogie, dance in your seat or simply watch the antics of others while your toes tap along to the music 😊

WHEN: Sunday 21 February 2021

             3pm – 6pm

WHERE: North Perth Town Hall

             26 View Street North Perth

Due to Covid19 bookings are essential and can be made online at trybooking.com/BNXGU

However, if you are unable to go online to book please email: info@outdance.com.au or ring Jan on 0401 700 562  to register your attendance.

We hope to see you all on the day.